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peek into my looking glass...

Sex: Female
Interested in: Men
Relationship Status: Single
Birthday: 3 April 1987
Hometown: Schaefferstown, PA
Religious Views: Pagan
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Smoke/Drink/Drugs: No/No/No
Children After college, at least 2
Education In college

My profiles at OkCupid!, PlentyOffish, & Facebook



I learned to spin last summer.  Spin, as in Sleeping Beauty pricking her finger on a spinning wheel.  No, my wheel isn’t like that, because she pricked her finger on the distaff, which is used to spin flax and other fibers that are very long.  I use mine mostly for wool, but I have also spun llama, el paca, soy silk, and even the fur from my cat PV.  I get my wool from the lady who taught me how to spin, and she keeps just giving me these sheep fleeces.  Some of you may think this is awesome (and really it is), but the disadvantage is that I have to skirt, wash, and card all of it myself before I spin it, and sheep fleeces are fairly large.  These two?  May last me for the next ten years. :P (Linda I still love you :D )  I also grew up sewing, so I tend to make a lot of things on my sewing machine, a little Singer Featherweight that I love almost as much as I love my spinning wheel.

On the flip side of the traditional crafts, I am also very much a computer geek.  I can (and have) spend all day on the computer, whether its to surf the net, play World of Warcraft (WoW), chatting with my friends, typing my story, or designing some new artwork in Adobe Photoshop.  I love my gigantahuge laptop, and it serves as a desktop replacement for me.  I’m also fairly proficient in Macromedia Dreamweaver, if you couldn’t tell that already. :P  This site was designed there, both in coding and design.

I have also developed into a very artistic person.  My drawing has blossomed since a year or two ago: I didn’t use to be able to pull something out of my head and draw it, I always had to look off of something.  Now, when I want to draw something, I do.  And it actually looks good (most of the time).  I can’t draw that well with a mouse, I much prefer to draw with a pencil and paper, then scan it into my computer and work with it in Photoshop.

And of course, I like to hang out with friends. J


Favorite Books:

I like books. :D
R.A. Salvatore's Drizzt Series, and his Cleric quintet; Elaine Cunningham's "Daughter of the Drow" series; Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" series; Anything by Mercedes Lacky; Almost anything by Clive Cussler; "The Deed of Paksenarion" by Elizabeth Moon; "Eragon" and the following book... I could go on and on. I like to read. :P Pretty much if it is fantasy, I will read it.


Favorite Movies:

Right now, Happy Feet and Transformers are at the top of the list.  I practically have them memorized.  <walks away humming Happy Feet songs and drooling over Bumblebee>  :D

Lord of the Rings (LotR), Pirates of the Caribbean, Moulin Rouge, Phantom of the Opera, V for Vendetta, Earthsea, Practical Magic. Those are my favorites but as for genre, I like action, comedy, & fantasy.  I have a whole collection of about 20, but I'll pretty much watch any science fiction movie, especially if it's about the supernatural or based off a book I've read.


Favorite Music:

Empty Hats
David Arkenstone
Imogen Heap
Dragon Force
Postal Service
Death Cab for Cutie
“What I’ve Done” – Linkin Park
“Boulevard of Broken Dreams” – Green Day

I mostly listen to Celtic, soft rock, movie tracks, and I have some piano music too. I am willing to listen to anything once, but I don’t really like rap (with very few exceptions)


Favorite TV Shows:

C.S.I. (and any form thereof)
Star Trek Voyager
Grey’s Anatomy

I don't watch TV that much, especially when I’m staying with my parents.  In my dorm, I have movies or the Disney channel going, sometimes just for some background noise.


Favorite Quotes:

Summoner Geeks!:
"Graham: Galstaff, you have entered the door to the North, you are now by yourself standing in a dark room. The pungent smell of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls
Graham: They're right next to you
Galstaff: I cast a spell
2: Where's the mountain dew?
Graham: In the fridge, DUH!
Galstaff: I wanna cast a spell!
Graham: Yes, you can have a mountain dew just go get it
Galstaff: I can cast any of these right, on the list?
Graham: Yes, any of the first level ones
Graham: What room?
Galstaff: I want to cast MAGIC MISSILE
Graham: He hasn't cast anything yet
Galstaff: I am though if you'd listen- I'm casting MAGIC MISSILE.
Graham: Why are you casting magic missile? There's nothing to attack here.
Galstaff: I... I'm attacking the darkness!


(find the complete video of Summoner Geeks here)


"There are strange things done in the midnight sun
By the men who moil for gold;
The arctic trails have their secret tales
That would make your blood run cold;
The Northern Lights have seen queer sights,
But the queerest they ever did see
Was that night of the marge of Lake Lebarge
I cremated Sam McGee."
- Robert Service


About me:

My name is Claire Taylor, but I answer to a couple different titles as well:  hey you, girl, bitch, Storm, Nar, Dragon Lady and so on. :)  My “permanent residence” is in Schaefferstown, PA, which is just east of Hershey.  I went to high school at Eastern Lebanon County HS, and while I find many of my friends hated it because of the “clicks”…  I loved most of it.  My good friends were great (you know who you are), I didn’t have to pay for everything, and life was much less complicated with far fewer “adult” decisions.

I have had Type 1, or juvenile diabetes for about 15years.  You can find out more about that here: All I know about Diabetes.

I’m currently attending Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus in Mesa, AZ, and I just changed majors to Graphics Information Technology (GIT).  I used to be Computer Hardware Engineering Technology (CET), but I got to my second level of core courses and realized that if I had to program for the rest of my life, I was going to shoot myself.  Or my computer.  I hated programming, still do.  I also had to take all the way up to Calc 3 for CET, and I’m not the greatest at math.  I like to draw and write, and that’s right up the alley for GIT, I’m excited for it.

I am friendly, kind, and cheerful, always willing to make a joke.  I like to help people and see them smile, and I am usually fairly frequent with smiles of my own.  Sometimes, I do get down, or I don’t feel good, and so no matter how hard I try not to be, I can end up being a bitch.  Half the time I don’t realize how mean or rude I’m being, and just need someone to straight out tell me.  I can also be stubborn, and a little bit of a smart ass.  Its ok, I learned from the best. :P

I love fantasy.  Whether it’s movies, books, artwork, or songs, it’s cool.  My favorite is dragons; I have them everywhere I can:  on my cell phone, decorating the cover of my notebook, on my desktop.  It never fails that somewhere on my walls, whether it’s my dorm in AZ or my room at home, there is a dragon adorning them.  I am a fairly firm believer in the supernatural, which is how I became a pagan.  Dragons for sure existed at one point in earth’s history, even if they don’t now.  Ghosts and karma are real, for I have seen their works.  And damned if my Aries zodiac doesn’t describe me almost to a T…  it’s creepy sometimes.

I am also very much a nature girl.  I love bugs!  Especially spiders, they are just so cool.  When I’m in AZ, I miss the hardwood forests and the wildlife that PA has.  It’s interesting to watch birds and animals in their natural (more or less) habitat, and if I ever find them out of it, I return them to it as best I can.  This is one of the reasons I love my summer job (07) so much, because we find frogs quite often on the liner and in the trench.  Once we even found a garter snake!  I was tickled, because it was the first time I’d ever held a snake…  even if she was scared stiff. :)

Some of the best feelings in the world are:
Watching a storm front roll in on the horizon, feeling the humidity in the air, and knowing that rain is coming.
Hearing a red-tailed hawk cry, and watching it circle the thermals.  Or better yet, seeing it land in a tree 100yards away.
Standing on the edge of Superstition Mountain and being able to see the world.
Having my parents tell me how proud they are of me, even when I feel like I’ve seriously fucked up.
Knowing that wherever the gods are, I can tell by Their actions that They are looking out for me.



Prom Night... Cody was wonderful, and I felt like a queen. Mom and I spent a lot of time sewing that dress, and even though it wasn't perfect, I had a lot of fun at prom and the party afterwards at a friends house. Oh and the corsage - purple roses, with some purple Stratus. Purple is my favorite color, and what girl doesn't like roses? :)




Me reading after a long day at work, with my brother's two Italian greyhounds in my lap. Pheli (Ophelia) is the spotted one, and Arte (Artemesia) is the full tan one.

Note the contacts! I love my contacts. :D


Details format 'borrowed' from Facebook/Myspace