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an Online MMORPG: Massive Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Game

My fiance Cody got me started on WoW in Fall 2005.  I got hopelessly addicted, and now we both have Level 60s on Bonechewer.  I played so much because of the addiction to have a lvl 60 that semester, I had to retake my core courses the next semester, because I basically failed both of them.  Not again!  Now, I play very little, between school, work, and homework.

Each character and the guild name has a linked name, which will open a new window to view the profile in the World of Warcraft Armory.  It's much better than CT Profiles, though it does take a while to load.

Server: Bonechewer, Alliance
Guild: GTH (Guardians of Truth and Honor)

Main Character:
Stormwatcher, lvl 70 Night Elf Hunter

Alianndra, Human Mage
Thelora, Night Elf Druid
Cadyn, Night Elf Rogue
Narela, Night Elf Priest
Daeria, Draenei Warrior
Zanthra, Gnome Warlock