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My own little corner of the galaxy where I can put up my art and stories, viewable by all who come here. :)

As of Fall 2008, this website has been mostly moved over to the ASU Domain here. The Tripod site will no longer be updated and a few things will be coming down, like WolfChild. Head on over the new site to find them!

5 August 07 - Life has been moving right along, and between a job and the chores my parents have me do, I have been Busy! However, given the type of job I have (quality control at a landfill), I do a lot of standing around. Therefore, it has given me a lot of time to work on Wolfchild, do some drawings, and get the first page or two on a new story. Unfortunately, all the writing, combined with all the typing I have been doing since 9th grade or so has given me carpal tunnel syndrome (CPS). Argh! I now where these wrist braces that are really great for helping with the pain, but they're like wrist corsets or something. It's extremely hard to type, write, draw... hell, it makes it harder to do everything, because I pretty much can't move my wrist.

Oh well, life goes on. I will probably have to get one of those weird looking curved keyboards to plug into my laptop.

In the meantime, I've made a few changes here and there. I've revamped The Looking Glass, and added some links in The Photo Gallery. I don't have the space on Tripod to host the pictures, so I posted links to my galleries on Facebook.

23 May 07 - I've updated the School page, and The Looking Glass: added a few things, took out a few things. School is officially over, as of about two weeks ago, and now I have to scramble around to find a job. Of course, I wanted to spend until June working on finishing WolfChild, but of course parents have other ideas. I guess I can't blame them, since I didn't have a job last semester and I'm flat broke. :( On the subject of WolfChild, I haven't been updating it in the Library because it's been changing so much. But the guild has a bookclub, and I volunteered for June, so guess what I'm going to make them read? :P So sometime in June I should have the completed, but unrevised and very rough WolfChild. I can't wait!

14 March 07 - It's been a while, I've been busy with school and family, and more school. Anyways, I've made a change to the WoW page, you can now view a char profile by clicking their name.  All except Zan, the armory only does profiles for active chars, and I haven't played her in forever.  I'll change that eventually.  I also added something in the page on Diabetes, I was only partly correct about ketones, thanks to Mom for point out the right thing. I also wrote a little bit about my classes this semester in the School page.  I've been working avidly on WolfChild, and when it is finally and completely done (I finally figured out all the little details and have a complete storyline in my head) I will post it up here for everyone to read.  In the meantime, it changes so quickly it's almost not worth updating it every time.  I haven't drawn much, I've been too busy with any variety of things:  School, Cody, watching TV, playing console games, playing WoW...
Anyways, enjoy the new stuff.  I'll put more up as soon as I get around to it. :)

27 December - In Loving Memory is actually done now!  In the photo gallery, go take a look.

22 December - the school semester is over and I'm home for Christmas break... thank the gods.  School was really starting to be a pain.  Go check out the Photo Gallery page, I put in a new album.  More to come, I've actually got time now. :)

16 November - I changed some of the fonts to make it easier to read.

15 November - WOW.  I just spent the past week making this new site in Dreamweaver, and it was fun!  More to come, I hope.  I mean as in content. :P  So far, I'm still hosting this thing on Tripod. I'm sorry in advance for any popups, I'm still looking for someplace else to go that isn't so slow!  It drives me nuts.

What's new in the switch? 

Shadowdale, over in the Library under WolfChild, has been updated, and another segment has been aded called Cave of Dreams. 

Credits, links, and photo gallery pages have been updated, and a resume page added.

The Looking Glass has been expanded.

To Do List has been changed to Coming Soon, and updated.

PLEASE, please, please. If you find something that is BROKEN, please sign my guestbook and let me know so I can fix it.



Haven't been here in a while?
Here are some updates from before the move:

13 November - I went haywire because all this web hosting stuff is SO confusing. I'm still thinking about getting my own domain name, but it all costs money. :)

11, 12 November - worked out the bugs.

8, 9, 10 November - I built my Dreamweaver site, isn't it awesome? :)

7 November - WolfChild is finally up, a month after I've had the website up...
Dreamweaver is coming along slowly.
Art and Photos coming soon, the next time I'm feeling right-brained again.

25 October - updated The Looking Glass

24 October - updated the Gallery, pictures coming soon. Still working on Dreamweaver, programming class is boring. :)

23 October - updated The Looking Glass, added the guestbook
P.S. Still working on the Dreamweaver thing, it's a lot harder than I remember it being :P

19 October - added books to the library, even if they aren't all written yet.

18 October - added the Library, and pages for Roleplaying, WoW, Gallery, and a few others.

17 October - I realize just how limited Tripod is and decide to use Dreamweaver...

15 October - The Dragon's Roost is born.







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