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Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus

Major: Graphics Information Technology

Spring 2007 Semester - I have 4 classes: Into to Graphics, Religions, Witchcraft in Medieval Europe (online), and Chemsitry. This major change thing was the best thing I could have done, I just love everything.  In graphics, we're doing stuff in Illustrator and Photoshop.  In chemistry... well I just love Chemistry, even the memorization comes easily to me, and lab is just freaking awesome!  The online class is... eh.  I just think I'll never take an online class again, but it was worth it for the experience.  The religions class is pretty good, we see a movie every class and the lectures are ususally at least a little interesting.

School is over for the semester, WooHoo!!! :D I ended the semester with a grand total of two As and two Bs, for a GPA of 3.33. I'm very proud, and the classes were a bomb. Hopefully next semester will be just as great as this one. Of course, I should probably sign up for classes first... hehe

Fall 2007 Semester - this semester I have Technical Drawing, Introduction to Graphics Programming, Management Dynamics, and Creative Thinking and Design. They're all going great! Two of them require me to put stuff up on the web, so I've created seperate pages for them.
