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What I eventually expect to do on this website

I've realized, after the 5 millionth time changing things...  this website is ever growing.  This is some of the stuff that can be expected to come soon:

Since roleplaying is a story, after roleplaying episodes I will type up the dialog and stuff and put it up in the roleplaying section.  Cody is also working on some of the background story for the world, and that will go there as well.

I hope to post the background story for Nar, my roleplaying character. Gotta finish writing it though.

New artwork will be uploaded occasionally.  I still have some colored stuff to put up.

Fill-ins for WolfChild will be posted.  If you haven't noticed, there are HUGE gaps of story missing between the sections that I have up.  It's not on purpose, its just that it didn't take long for me to realize, when I started writing this thing, that if I waited to write the sections in order, I'd be waiting a long time.  You just have to be...  inspired.  The kind of inspired where you have all these awesome ideas, so you stay up till 4am in the morning writing that section of the story, because you're afraid if you go to bed, when you wake up all the ideas will be gone!  <laughs>  So when I get inspired and write another section, I'll put it up.  :)

More pictures in the Photo Gallery page, of my dorm, around campus, and some of my artwork that I've colored.

Most of the rest of the pages won't have that much new content, but if I change stuff I'll post it on the homepage.


OK this is what I'd like to do, but I have no idea how long it will take.  If anybody has suggestions, sign my guestbook and let me know, I welcome constructive criticism. :)